Apache Solr VS Elasticsearch: A Head-to-Head Comparison

October 12, 2021


When it comes to search engines, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch are two of the most popular choices out there. Both are open-source, scalable, and designed to handle complex search queries efficiently. Yet, they are not created equal, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. So, which one should you choose? In this blog post, we'll give you an impartial comparison of Apache Solr and Elasticsearch to help you make an informed decision for your own use case.

Feature Comparison

Setup and Configuration

Both Apache Solr and Elasticsearch can be installed on a single machine or a cluster of machines. However, Solr requires a bit more manual configuration, whereas Elasticsearch comes with a user-friendly web interface called Kibana. Kibana makes it easier to set up and manage Elasticsearch clusters.

Data Handling and Indexing Performance

Apache Solr and Elasticsearch use different data structures for indexing and querying. Solr uses an inverted index while Elasticsearch uses a distributed inverted index. In practice, Elasticsearch's distributed model makes it perform better with larger datasets and more complex queries.

Query Language

Solr and Elasticsearch both use a query language based on JSON, but Solr uses a more traditional SQL-like syntax while Elasticsearch uses a more natural language. This means Elasticsearch's search queries are easier to read and write, and its API is more user-friendly.

Filtering and Aggregation

Both Solr and Elasticsearch support filtering and aggregation, but Elasticsearch has an edge in this area. Elasticsearch's powerful aggregation framework can perform complex calculations and groupings, which makes it ideal for business intelligence and data analytics.


Both Solr and Elasticsearch are designed to be scalable, but Elasticsearch is more flexible in this regard. Elasticsearch can shard data across multiple nodes, which allows it to handle even massive datasets with ease. Solr, on the other hand, requires more upfront configuration to handle large datasets.

Performance Comparison

Query Performance

When it comes to query performance, Elasticsearch is generally faster than Solr. Elasticsearch's distributed inverted index allows for more efficient querying of larger datasets, making it an ideal choice for enterprise search applications.

Indexing Performance

Solr is generally faster than Elasticsearch when it comes to indexing new data. This is due to Solr's use of a single-write architecture, which means each document is written to a single shard. This contrasts with Elasticsearch's distributed write approach, which can create more overhead.

Which One Should You Choose?

Overall, the choice between Apache Solr and Elasticsearch comes down to your specific use case. For small to medium-sized datasets and simple search queries, Solr may be the better choice due to its ease of use and more traditional query syntax. However, if you're dealing with large datasets and complex search queries, Elasticsearch is the clear winner due to its superior performance.


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